Thursday 30 December 2021

The Price War In Dentistry!


The Price War In Dentistry!

The inflation rate is high in India & with every passing year the price of basic necessities i.e. ROTI, KAPDA & MAKAN is increasing. Dentistry isn't the exception here. The basic overheads for running a dental clinic such as cost of dental equipments, materials, staff salaries, clinic rent etc. are increasing even then the dental treatments are getting cheaper & cheaper.

Choose the easiest way to sell your used dental equipments; publish your FREE Ad on dental portal


What is the root cause of this trend?

There are only a handful of dentists willing to start up in Rural India where dentists are actually required. Most Dentists have a natural affinity of setting clinic in Urban Areas which is already overcrowded & this is where the price war begins...

Most of the young practitioners, being new, have minimum liabilities and their only aim is to establish their practice by beating the competitors. They consider "Treatment Charges” as the main constraint to overcome the competition & lower their treatment charges to such an extent that there is hardly any profitability. They are of the firm opinion that this initial step will help them establish themselves and profitability can be brought in at a later stage. But this is where they go wrong. Any efforts to increase charges at a later stage are met with a lot of resistance.

The established dentists initially don't bother about these “freshers” but when the number of such young dentists increases; the experienced practitioners have to suffer because of their pricing policies and they also have to lower their consultation charges in order to attract clientele.

As the experienced doctors start charging low; fresher don't get the chance to raise their treatment charges & overall pricing of dental treatment goes down.


Who actually pays?

The shrinking profit margins not only affects the dentists but also the dental lab technicians & patients. When you are not paid well; you don't have choice than to look for ways to reduce your expenses. Dentists have to start using sub-standerd materials, equipment, dental labs, which ultimately results in compromising with the overall treatment. 

You can't deny that there are some dentists who don't even follow the sterilization norms in order to reduce cost and ultimately the one who suffers is the patient.


How does this affect you?

When you sell yourself cheap, you can't invest in newer technology, machines, materials. You can't invest in learning new things which eventually makes your knowledge obsolete and affects your future practice.

Dentistry is a combination of art & science and our practice is not just about consultation like other healthcare professionals. Most of us can't practice after 60yrs of their age due to backache, vision and several other problems. 

An average life span of a dental practice is 25-30 Years. So whatever dreams you have; you have got only 25-30 overs. Now it's up to you to bat like a 20:20, one day or like a test match. 


What young practitioners need to understand?

The young dentists need to understand that "treatment charges" is not the only factor to overcome the competition, but there are several other things where you can focus like your specialty, best equipment, quality of materials, public relations, communication etc. 

This way you don't downgrade your own dental practice as well as help dentistry to evolve. 


What established practitioners need to understand?

The dentists who are already established should review and revise their treatment charges every year. Forget about progress but even to keep pace with the inflation rate; one has to increase treatment charges by at least 5 to 10 percent/year otherwise you will be at loss. overall status of dentistry can be improved.

This way you will give equal chances to the younger generation to prove themselves.

Cover Image courtesy: Google Images

Source : DentistFriend

Wednesday 29 December 2021

Dental Practice Branding: Things To Consider Before Setting Up Website For Your Dental Practice


Dental Practice Branding: Things To Consider Before Setting Up Website For Your Dental Practice

A Good Dental Website Complements Your Brand!


Visitors arrive at your website, they look around, if they don't like what they see, they leave. So it is very important to get their attention quickly. However, it is also important that website should reflect your brand. 

Choose the easiest way to sell your used dental equipments; publish your FREE Ad on dental portal


Consider a website that you have visited. Was the content you were seeking was readily available? How was the presentation? How well was the organization of content? Did it look professional? If the information was, difficult to find, left you confused, did not exist. Now consider your own website. You aim to design a website which can successfully sell your brand.



1. Aesthetics:


While designing your website you should pay special attention on Color scheme, Images, Graphics, Font size, Font style. Additionally your website should have a contemporary feel.


2. Content:


Content is the King. Users won't come to your website because it is beautiful but because of information they are looking for so create original content. If you just copy & paste the content from some other website it will carry zero value. The content should be well written, error free and it should be appealing. Create an interactive content by keeping it interesting; also you can use pictorial representation wherever it is possible to keep the users engaged.



3. Clarity:


Clarity is rule one when it comes to developing a website. This includes clarity of purpose, content and your contact information. You should have clarity in your vision. Know why you are creating a website, communicate who are you and your purpose through your content. Make sure that the information and layout of your website is easy to understand.



4. Tabs:


It is vital to have a clear idea of the content you want to present. This will help you in determining the number, type and title of the web pages you will need. Some of the more standard types of web pages include: HOME, ABOUT US, CONTENT PAGE, CONTACT US.



5. Navigation:


Create a navigation system that is logical and easy to use. People don't want to visit a website where they are lost. Don't merely rely on your sense of the proper flow. Test and retest with experts as well as your dental team. It should be simple, clear and appealing to draw the interest of the viewer and persuade them to explore other pages.



6. Compatibility:


Users access internet from different devices such as desktops, laptop, mobiles, tablets etc. When the user opens a website on mobile and finds the navigation system difficult then he will immediately go away. So create a website which is adaptable to all screen sizes (Responsive Design).
Visitors use different browsers from their devices to access
. Make sure that your website is compatible with all the leading browsers such as Chrome, Safari, Firefox etc.



7. Brand Value:


Your website gives you a great opportunity to create a brand value and influence your visitors to be your prospective patients. Remember, your website is extension of your dental practice.



8. Review:


Ask your existing patients to write a feedback about treatment, staff and their overall experience during the treatment at your clinic. Positive feedback from your patients increases your credibility 



9. Social Media:


Integrate all your social media accounts in your website. Do not forget to provide social media plug-in of Google, Facebook, Twitter, Linked In, You Tube, Pintrest etc.  Ask your patients to follow you on social networking sites for regular updates on Dental Care.



10. Call To Action:


Show Your Visitors "What to Do?" & "How to Do?" Your website should have some type of call to action, such as "Click here to make an appointment" as it is the ultimate reason to create the website. The entire purpose behind creating a great dental website is to encourage people to make you their dentist of choice. Yes, you want to share information with current patients. However, marketing to new dental patients is your primary goal.


Remember, your website is an extension of your dental practice. When you select a domain name for your website, try to keep it short, easy to remember and type otherwise you may lose some of your visitors.  For example: is easy to type & remember compared to The 

Source : DentistFriend

Tuesday 28 December 2021

Occupational Hazards and Prevention In Dentistry- An Overview


Occupational Hazards and Prevention In Dentistry- An Overview

Despite numerous technical advances in recent years, many occupational health problems still persist in modern dentistry viz. exposure to infections (including Human Immunodeficiency Virus and viral hepatitis); percutaneous exposure incidents, dental materials, radiation, noise; musculoskeletal disorders; psychological problems and dermatitis; respiratory disorders and eye insults.

DentistFriend is a dental portal for dental students and dentists to share information and knowledge.



Dental practitioners are at the risk of exposure to blood-borne pathogens like the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), the hepatitis B virus (HBV) and the hepatitis C virus (HCV). In dentistry, sharp injuries occur because of frequent patient movement, small operating field and the variety of sharp instruments used in dental procedure.



Dental professionals should be aware of individual protective measures (Handwashing, Treatment gloves, overgloves, mouth masks, head caps, protective overgarments) and appropriate sterilization or other high-level disinfection utilities to control infections.




During dentistry procedure, the dentist's posture is strained which induces stress injury on musculoskeletal system. Hand/wrist complaints, carpal tunnel syndrome, Neck and shoulder complaints, back pain are the most common.



Dentists should follow the proper operator & patient  positions , take intervals ,keep changing positions to reduce muscle strain & fatigue.




Not only physical impairments but also the job related psychological disorders, tension, depression, emotional exhaustion, and depersonalization may affect dentist’s health.



Stress can never be totally eliminated from dental practice. However, it can be managed by the following-

Improving the work environment at the clinic.
Become less isolated and share problems with fellow practitioners.
Working more sensible hours and taking time each day for a leisurely lunch break.
Take holidays whenever the pressures of practice starts to build.
Learn how to better handle patient's anxiety and hostility.
Adopt  program of physical exercise, such as regular work out at a local health club or by simply walking.

Most importantly, being kinder to yourself and less critical and demanding of your efforts.




Ionizing radiations can initiate genetic & carcinogenic changes. Dentists who hold the X-ray film in the patients mouth are prone to radiation dermatitis on hands or in a long run squamous cell carcinoma of the figures.
Dentists should not hold the x- ray film in the patient’s mouth
Dentists should avoid direct exposure to x-ray beam
Radiation monitoring




The etiology of latex sensitivity is based on a reaction to the plant containing allergenic proteins in natural rubber. Referred to as Type I allergy to natural rubber latex protein, allergic reactions can be severe & sometimes fatal.



Should use non-latex gloves for activities not likely to involve contact with infectious materials.
You can request gloves that do not contain latex but still offer protection against infectious materials.
Avoid oil-based creams or lotions when using latex gloves. They may cause the gloves to break down.
Wash your hands with a mild soap and dry hands completely after using gloves.
Recognize symptoms of latex allergy (rash; hives; flushing; itching;nasal, eye, and sinus irritation; asthma; and shock).




Majority of dental procedures are accomplished with instruments being passed over or near the patient's face and with aerosols and chemicals frequently in close proximity, and hence both patients and dentists should wear eye protection. The curing lights are also a potential hazard to those who place restorative resins due to phototoxic and photoallergic reactions originating from absorbed radiation.



A dentist must be vigilant in wearing personal protective equipment (protective glasses, Face shields) to ensure their own personal safety and thus remain healthy and active in their profession.




Dentists are at risk for noise-induced hearing loss. Even though hearing loss may not be symptomatic, the first complication and the reason for seeking a hearing evaluation may be tinnitus. Noise is always present during the work  due to low-speed handpieces, high-speed turbine handpieces, high-velocity suction, ultrasonic instruments, vibrators, cleaners and other mixing devices, and model trimmers.




Noise monitoring should be done with noise dosimeters routinely in the dental operatory and necessary measures to reduce noise should be taken. Application of muffles, Handpieces should be well maintained, Compressors should be fitted away from the work place, Sound absorbing material wall ,Resilient floors, Sound proof acoustical ceiling, Simultaneous use of several turbines should be avoided,Dental drills should be kept 35 cm away from ear,Ear plugs and muffs, Audiography test periodically for early detection.




There is a need to educate and make the dentists aware of these hazards in dentistry and the methods of their prevention. This can be carried out by carrying various informative programs like seminars, continuing dental education programs and workshops on prevention of occupational hazards in the region. So, it is important for dentists to remain constantly up-to-date about measures on how to deal with newer strategies and dental materials and implicates the need for special medical care for this professional group.

Source : DentistFriend

Monday 27 December 2021

My Idea Of Being A Stress Free Dentist!


My Idea Of Being A Stress Free Dentist!

I have observed that over last couple of years life of medical professionals in metros has gone hectic. There has been a significant increase in anger & anxiety. I believe that the main culprit behind this human breakdown is “STRESS” may be emotional, social, financial or physical, may be because of competition, work pressure, bargaining patients, staff, family and there can be thousand other reasons..
Many medicos from metros begin their Saturday night at clubs, pubs, restaurants, bars or malls which are actually not stress bursting but stress masking options which reduces stress for time being but never eliminate it completely.

How much does it cost to become a dentist in India, to know visit our dental portal

Sunday is the rest day, to take care of their hangovers, to get up as late as possible, scratching head and thinking about all the problems that made them pick up the glass last night. 

The vicious cycle of STRESS remains as it is… in fact aggravates with time. The problems remain as it is, stress increases manifold and person becomes more and more vulnerable to various stress related health problems and slowly move towards a life full of STRESS, until it breaks him down. 

So the solution becomes problem and real problem become a big problem. …all confusion!!!

I believe that only a strong, healthy & peaceful mind can make wrong things right, it can find out joyful moments from the heart of sorrows; it can take out solution from the depth of problem. A Peaceful Mind is the KEY TO HAPPINESS. Until and unless you are at peace of mind you can’t think properly forget about working. 

When I came to Mumbai ten years back and decided to settle here. Life was smooth initially but then STRESS started taking a toll of my life too & I had no choice than to find some way out..



My idea of being Stress Free!

I was raised in the close vicinity of nature…I spent entire childhood in thrilling & adventurous activities like spending days on nature trails, forest explorations, climbing huge trees, fishing,  swimming in river and manyyyyy more. And I discovered the joy of life with nature.

After a long decade I decided to rejuvenate my life with the joy which I used to do in my childhood. .
Every Sunday I started exploring natural places near and around Mumbai. Monday to Friday I started searching for natural places, gathering friends with same passion and fixing the destination. Saturday night used to be preparation & planning time for the Sunday trip, to prepare list of must take things, packing of equipments n all.

I explored natural places around Mumbai starting from Sanjay Gandhi National Park to Tungareshwar Wildlife Sanctuary, from Karnala Bird Sanctuary to Bhimashankar Wildlife Sanctuary, various forts situated in the lap of Sahyandri mountain range and many more. I truly enjoyed the joy of nature walks, trekking and wildlife-nature photography.

It starts on Sunday morning but the effect lasts for entire week, sometimes even more..

Nature has immense power of positivity and healing for Mind, Body & Soul. Everything in nature is free, pure and joyful. I have discovered so much peace of mind that my entire work goes stress free and full of energy.

All my friends who have never taken themselves out of this cement jungle do think about this option. Take yourself out and explore beautiful elements of nature.  Start exploring nature with various nature activity groups or your close friends I am sure you will experience a different level of life full of peace and positivity.

Just try to be a little more than being a Dentist!

Stay Healthy & Stress Free…Go Green!!!

Source : DentistFriend

Transform Your Smile with Clear Aligners in Hinjewadi

Introduction: In recent years, there has been a significant advancement in orthodontic treatments, making it easier than ever to achieve a b...